Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Aubrey turns 29!!!

We had Aubreys party on Tuesday evening. The theme for the evening was Asian. David was the mastermind over the whole dinner. We made a variety of delicious foods to include Hot and Sour Soup homemade by Kirk (so authentic tasting), potstickers, homemade eggrolls made by David and Aubrey, Fried Rice( David is such a good cook), Orange Chicken(Costco), Kung Pao chicken(the best box kit I've ever tried, just add your own chicken), sushi(Costco), an oriental salad and a jello poke cake(made by me). It was all so good!!! Graham and Ashley and April and Damon and the babies came over. Aubrey has pictures of the food on her camera, she'll post some on her blog.

Aubrey collects Willow Tree Statues, these are the wise men to go with her Nativity Set. I bought them after Christmas on a 70% discount. Yah! Ashley gave this frame to Aubrey, do you all have a Hobby Lobby close by?It is such a cool store.

David bought this wood leaf wall hanging, she loves nature, oriental, and exotic animals. Her room is so cool.

All of her gifts, they can't wait to get into a place of their own and finally set up all of their things.
They are such a cute and fun couple.
David bought this fortune cookie and had a message put inside . His gifts were mainly centered around the Asian them. Good job David.


Michelle Lee said...

Happy Birthday Aubrey!!! You are almost 30 now. Time sure does fly by. What a great theme to have for a birthday party. I love the gifts that she got. They will love it when they have their own place and can finally unpack and display all their wedding gifts. It's nice that the whole family gets together for parties. I do miss my family, especially being pregnant.

Jamie said...

Ohhhhhh we are sad we couldn't be there but hopefully soon we will be closer and able to do more family get-togethers we really miss that!