Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Child Care Website

I just completed my child care website on free My address is I'm trying to stay competitive in this ever growing, demanding market. One of my day care kids, Hailey, is leaving next week, so I've been posting on Craig's list. Many of the providers have a web site, hence, the reason I made mine. I can update every month with a new calendar of activities, the monthly newsletter that I already give the parents, but now I don't have to print it out, and photos of all the fun their kids are doing. I'm going to post a couple of sample weekly menus next.

Then yesterday, my neighbor across the street came over and asked if I did child care. I said yes and that I had an opening. He has a soon to be three year old boy and will start tomorrow, yeah! The guy also said his sister-in-law has a 2 year old girl that may come also. Both kids were going to the same provider. When he went to pick up his son, he was barefoot. When he asked where his sons shoes were, she told him another child didn't have, or couldn't find his shoes, so she give the child his shoes. I'm sure that was the straw that broke the camels back for him, because he didn't take him back there today. Apparently they are unhappy with their current provider. It's a difficult job, and parents can get upset with you and not even tell you why sometimes, and they let it build and build and then...poof, they pull there child. I've been mostly lucky in all the years I've done this, I've had great parents and good communication, that's the key.

Kris was let go from his current employment on Friday, but has a job lined up with AT&T. It's a pay cut, but Jamie says, now they'll qualify for food stamps which will make up the difference hopefully. She's going today to apply and hopefully they'll get the checks in a week or so. He has interviewed with a few other companies that look promising, so hopefully he'll find the job that will pay him well.

April was hired by the University of Phoenix and today is her last day with Checkers.
She will start on Monday doing the same thing that Aubrey is doing and I think on the same floor. I can't remember Aubrey's poor memory. Anyway, she's excited. Her court date is tomorrow. Both her and Damon will go before the judge and the divorce will be granted if the judge says everything is in order. It will be a bittersweet and difficult day for her.

What's every ones plan for Thanksgiving? We're staying home this year and making dinner for the gang...our door is always open if anyone wants to share this day with all of us. Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Debbie


Michelle Lee said...

It sounds like you are very busy with school, daycare, and kid's problems. You help everyone out when you can. We are having Dave and Rosie over for Thanksgiving this year. Mom says that Gary and Kenny may come too. Just Marcia would be missing out of the five siblings. She lives too far away, about an 8 hour drive. We want Rosie and Dave to spend the night here up in our room. Maybe they can stay a little longer to visit. Then Barry and I will travel to Eugene to have Thanksgiving with the Lee's the following Saturday with all of his siblings. We bring the babies and they get to visit with Barry's mom Carolyn at her house. Thanks for updating your blog and letting us know what you and your family are up to. I'm working on my blog too. Take care. Love, Shelly

Michelle Lee said...

Hi Debbie, I checked out your day care website. It was really nice. I like the name Happy Hearts. I would leave my kids in your capable hands any day. It must have taken you quite awhile to complete the web page. I will check it out every month to see what's new. Post pics when you are not too busy. Love you, Shelly