Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Look!

I hope you enjoy the new look of my page. I was visiting another girls page and saw the Allie Brown logo on the side and went to check out her work...very cute and pretty easy to upload. I have some fun pictures to upload from a photo shoot of all the grandkids when we had them on New Years Eve, I'm so behind.
School is going pretty good, we got Ashley moved into her new house, and April bought a new horse trailer...life is always busy. I'll post more later.


Jamie said...

Yeah I like the new look, I tried to use one that allie had on her blog like you and it didn't work:( So I just went with another site I use and I figured it's almost Valentine's day so I would use it. Yeah we are planning on coming out for dad's b-day anyway so that will work out perfect. I forgot to tell you that we forgot about Tristen when we did the pick-a-number to go to grandma's house.... Wow do I feel bad. He can go last! TTYS