Thursday, May 28, 2009

More news from the Juchau clan

Oh how good it feels to have a new look, even if it isn't me personally! I did get my hair trimmed though, it sits above and off my shoulders so I'm not so hot throught our long summers.
If you've read Aubrey and David's blog then you already know they are going to have a little boy in September, if's going to be a BOY!!! His name will be Jackson Blake Gibbons. We can't wait.
Let's see, Kaleb and Kylee went to Fairbanks, Alaska to see their Mom for the summer and next school year. We miss them already. Kris and Jamie are separated and Kris will be staying with us for about a week at the end of this month, and then he will share an apartment with one of his friends for a few months until he decides what he wants to do.
April is busy with Devon(2)her job, school, and her horse Scooter. She just finished another class and has a week off before the next one begins. She is taking on-line courses through her job at the University of Phoenix.
Ashley is busy with Regen and Graham. She is enjoying having him home from Afghanistan, and he is enjoying that cute little Regen. Ashley takes Regen to swim lessons where she is learning to kick, blow bubbles, hold her breath under water and monkey climb along the pool edge to the stairs. Ashley starts her summer math class next week and she has signed up for a full load this fall,trying to get her pre-reqs out of the way before Jan.2010, where she will begin Nursing School.
Alanna just graduated from Junior High and will be attending Westview High School in August. She will be starting her summer class of Computer Keyboarding next week also. Her and four other girls are getting this class out of the way. Her volleyball tournaments are this Saturday,she'll be sad they're over. She will attend a volleyball camp that the High School is sponsoring this July and hopes to tryout for the Jr. Varsity team this fall.
Me...well, I'm enjoying my break from school, although we need to finish our taxes, (they owe us, we hope.) I'm looking forward to our trip to Oregon in July...Ashley and Regen are going a week before Alanna and I are going. Ashley needs some dental work done. See you up there Erica and family :)
That's all from us...hope to have pictures next post.


ebow said...

Are you going the week of the 20th??? That's awesome if you are!

DJ said...

Yep, Alanna and I are flying out on Friday the 17th and Ashley and Regen will already have been there since the 9th. We all fly home together on the 26th. Alanna is excited to see and hang out with Anna and Olivia. Are you all driving up?

Michelle Lee said...

I love the new look of your blog Debbie. Great news for Aubrey and David. I didn't know that the baby will be here in September. That is really soon. When will the baby shower be??...I want to come for a visit. I can't believe the news about Kris and Jamie...I feel so bad for him and the kids. Just wish I could make the pain go away. He is following in Barry's and Brett's footsteps with wives and kids and unfortunately divorces too. I hope he finds someone who really knows what a great guy he is. I can't wait to see you, Alanna, Ashley and Regen for a visit this summer. It will be lots of fun. Couldn't April and Devon make it too?? Your family is great and it is always nice to see everyone. Take care of your family and all the drama that goes with it. We love you.

Jamee said...

Cute blog Debbie ! You always have such adventures in your family. Never a dull moment. . . I am so excited for Aubrey. She deserves all of the happiness in the world.