Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update in the Juchau clan

I hope all of the Mother's out there had a wonderful day. I thoroughly enjoyed mine. I haven't posted anything in two months, not alot has happened...we hope to find out today what Aubrey and David will be having, they have an ultra sound appointment at 9:00 am. Then,let the buying begin!
May is a busy month with the end of the school year projects, field trips and concerts. Alanna has her volleyball tournaments, her Sun Splash 8th grade end of school trip, and her promotion all in the next two weeks. She is going to take a summer class (computer keyboarding in June which is 1/2 a credit towards high school)with her friend Hannah, and get it out of the way. It will last for three weeks Mon-Thur from 7am-12 versus an entire semester. This will give her an extra elective or even free up a class in her senior year. Everyone, including Ashley says it's such a basic computer class that even a first grader would be bored.
I've completed two of my four classes, I have a final in History on Tuesday and I already turned in my power point final, but still have to attend for about a half and hour on Wednesday for my Environmental Geology class. Woohooo..then a summer break.
I'm going to Girls Camp as one of the cooks in June, it's a beautiful camp site that the church owns. Ashley went there for four years and this will be Alanna's third year. Aubrey even went one year as a camp choir director!
Hopefully I can post some pictures and try to catch up as soon as classes are over. Have a great week everyone.


Michelle Lee said...

Thanks for the update on your family. Congrats to David and Aubrey on their good news. A little boy will be here soon. What is her due date? Will she have a baby shower soon? I would love to come for hers and Kay-Lynn's too. It's great to hear that you will be coming for a visit soon. Too bad that Ashley has to get so much dental work done though. I can't wait to see you all. Take care, love Michelle

thenab said...

Dearest Debbie,
Have I at last found you? This is Athena. From Ft.Hood,Tx. You used to watch my daughter Heather and she called you "mommy Debbie" cuz everyone else did.
I have searched for you for years and now I find your only miles away. I live just outside Tucson, AZ . and I travel to the Avondale area frequently for AZ Cardinal games (we're season ticket holders)
This must be you because how many people have the name Juchau with a daughter named Aubrey, and she would be of marring age as my own Heather is married with two children. Pleases contact me soon, so much to catch up on. Take care my friend. Athena