Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lake Tahoe

We went for a day trip to Lake Tahoe yesterday for Memorial Day. The nurses said the girls were going to be in the hospital for sure a few more days, so we decided to go. I don't remember ever seeing such clear beautiful water. The colors were spectacular, many different shades of green and blue. It was snowing above 8,000 feet, we drove through a white out. The weather was cloudy and about 50 degrees. We got out and walked through some of the tourist shops and took a few pictures and had lunch. It was really nice and beautiful.

I loved the size of the trees and pinecones. It was so green and pretty and smelled so fresh, kind of like camping.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The babies are soooo cute!!!

I arrived in Reno Friday night and after finding my lost luggage, we finally made it to Michelle and Barry's around 12:30 am. It's been cold, overcast and drizzly...very weird weather. We went to see the girls Saturday morning and I was able to hold and feed Chantrell first, then Brenna. They are so sweet and small and cuddly. They are both so close to coming home, they just want to make sure that they are eating enough and gaining weight.

This is me holding Chantrell after her dad fed her and her mom bathed her. Isn't she sooooo cute!!! They removed her feeding tube.

This is Brenna after Michelle gave her a bath, she was crying and so in went the binky.

Michelle rolled Chantrell out of her towel after she bathed her and I couldn't resist her nakey bottom, they are so perfect and pink and plump.

This is a video of Chantrell, if you have a weak stomach, maybe you better not watch...no babies were harmed in the making of this video :)

Don't worry, here's Chantrell after her bath, all safe and sound, and no feeding tube.

Chantrell again, looking so content. I'll keep you all updated and will send more pictures later.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Mother's Day 2008

I'm posting almost a week late, but I had a wonderful Mother's Day and hope everyone else did too. Kris and Jamie came over on Saturday with Kaleb, Kylee and Cameron and we celebrated Mother's Day with them. Kaleb and Kylee were going to be leaving for Alaska for the summer so it was nice to spend the day with them. On Sunday, Ashley, Regen, April, Devon, Aubrey, David, Kirk, Alanna and myself celebrated after church. Kirk made Salmon Foil Packet Dinners that went out to the grill. Inside the packet was salmon, cherry tomatoes and asparagas. Oh... were they good, then he made garlic mashed potatoes and Aubrey made a beautiful layered fruit, angel cake and pudding desert.

Kris and Jamie and kids gave me this bamboo place mat and runner set and the candle holder...so cool.

April gave me this beautiful bouqet of Irises, it was so spectacular and I should've taken a picture of them on Sunday, today they're starting to turn, darn. Alanna gave me a bath and body gift card...a-shopping I'm a-going, yah. I also cut may hair, I love it, so easy to care for and nice and cool too, long hair in Phoenix summers is unbearable.I picked out eight shrubs, the other 4 are in the front. You can also see the extension of our patio the Kirk and his father built, I love it, as you can see, it's shady there now and all day long because of our patio roof and the grass wouldn't grow there. When we watered, we had mud and black mold, so hopefully the grass will fill in the patches. and the shrubs will fill in and give a nice mini privacy hedge and be a pretty divider. The shrub has tiny purple flowers.Aubrey and David gave me this pretty frame, I still have to put pictures in it and they also gave me new cutlery, yah!! We had the missionaries over for dinner Monday and it was so nice to be able to set the table with matching silverware.Ashley gave me this new frame for my wall, I need to add my own pictures to this one too. Isn' t it awesome.

Hopefully everyone is doing well, I would love to hear from Lisa, Brett, Kay-Lynn and Mom, time to update your blogs or send new emails. Love to everyone, Debbie

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Crazy week!

It has been awhile since I posted, I have all kinds of excuses ranging from school, to watching day care kids, plus grandkids, plus my own kids, and planning for another wedding....so, now with one class and final left, the wedding over, I have a small free moment to say hi. It was so much fun to have Jen, Brian and Zoey stay here for the wedding. It was total chaos as we had all the grandkids stay over and we had to get them ready for the wedding and transported on time for pictures. Jen just laughed and said it helped her homesickness, it reminded her of all the crazy, chaotic times at the Bowmans. We also had Vern and Mary(Kirks parents) come from Houston for the wedding. They left this morning, it was really good to visit with them and Kris and Jamie really appreciated having everyone come for the wedding.
This past month we had to have a dryer vent specialist come out and clean the vent that leads to the outside ( I didn't even know such a service was offered until I saw the truck down the street) Our dryer had not been drying efficiently for some time. So, he came out and an hour and a half later, he said after pulling out birds nest and all kind of packed debris and lint, it was probably the worst he had ever seen. Needless to say, our clothes are drying much quicker. While Kirks parents were here, Vern helped Kirk lay a small brick patio extension, fix the pool pump, and fix the hot tub. Today, the bee guy is coming...yes, we have bees again, luckily they're in the front eaves, far down the front sidwalk far away from the interior of the house. It has definitely been busy.