Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Crazy week!

It has been awhile since I posted, I have all kinds of excuses ranging from school, to watching day care kids, plus grandkids, plus my own kids, and planning for another wedding....so, now with one class and final left, the wedding over, I have a small free moment to say hi. It was so much fun to have Jen, Brian and Zoey stay here for the wedding. It was total chaos as we had all the grandkids stay over and we had to get them ready for the wedding and transported on time for pictures. Jen just laughed and said it helped her homesickness, it reminded her of all the crazy, chaotic times at the Bowmans. We also had Vern and Mary(Kirks parents) come from Houston for the wedding. They left this morning, it was really good to visit with them and Kris and Jamie really appreciated having everyone come for the wedding.
This past month we had to have a dryer vent specialist come out and clean the vent that leads to the outside ( I didn't even know such a service was offered until I saw the truck down the street) Our dryer had not been drying efficiently for some time. So, he came out and an hour and a half later, he said after pulling out birds nest and all kind of packed debris and lint, it was probably the worst he had ever seen. Needless to say, our clothes are drying much quicker. While Kirks parents were here, Vern helped Kirk lay a small brick patio extension, fix the pool pump, and fix the hot tub. Today, the bee guy is coming...yes, we have bees again, luckily they're in the front eaves, far down the front sidwalk far away from the interior of the house. It has definitely been busy.


Jamie said...

Yes I would have to say it has been crazy and now we can all breath again! Thanks again for everything you did awsome and we really appreciate it:) We love you and let us know plans for mother's day!


Michelle Lee said...

I'm so glad to hear that Jenn, Brian and Zoey made it to the wedding. It sounds like they had fun visiting with you guys. Barry and I are looking forward to your visit and hope the babies will be home by then. We are keeping our fingers crossed. I bet you are ready for a vacation after your hectic schedule the last few months. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I love reading what people have to say about the babies.

Love, Shelly