Monday, June 16, 2008

Thirty Happy Years!

Today we are celebrating our 30th anniversary. I am the luckiest person to have found such a wonderful man whom I have had the opportunity to share five fantastic children with, and now, nine terrific grandchildren. We have lived in Denver, Colorado (three times), Ft. Polk, Louisiana, Fort Hood, Texas, Fairbanks, Alaska (twice) and presently, Phoenix, Arizona for the last seven years.

We have had a few trials in our thirty years, but they have only seasoned us and made us stronger. We are so blessed to have such wonderful and supportive families who have been such a wonderful example to us, and who have been there when we needed them. Thankyou to both of our parents for believing in us and living your lives in such a manner that we could pattern ours after.

I'm very grateful for the knowledge that we share in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That has been the foundation and cornerstone of our marriage, and I believe, is what gives us the strength to endure our trials and gives is hope for our future, not only in this life but through the eternities. I love you so much Kirk, thank you for thirty wonderful years and I'm looking forward to many, many more years to come.


ebow said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!!!!

Ashley said...

Aww my little family...Dad looks weird in that picture. Happy Anniv, thanks for being the best example to me. Without your guys example I would of settled for less. Because of your example I knew to marry someone in the church that could give me everything I deserve and to raise my family like you raised us.

I love you my mommy

Jamie said...

Awsome we are so happy for the both of you... Happy Anniversary!! Kris and I will get there someday I just know it:) We love you both very much!!

Michelle Lee said...

Happy 30th Debbie and Kirk!!! You two are awesome people and set a great example for all the people around you. I love what you wrote in your blog. It is very inspiring. Love, Shelly

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary! I love you guys so much and hope that Brian and I make it 30 years so beautifully and gracefully as you two have. I love that you wrote about the gospel and its meaning in your lives. Sometimes it feels funny to write about it for everyone to see but, when you you know the truth of it, it is important to let your light shine for others, especially our own family. Love Jenn

pkabow said...

You two have been an example to your brother and sisters of an ideal marriage. You were so much in love in Germany and refused to be separated. You have cared deeply for each other through the years and have a wonderful family to show for it. Congratulations and Best Wishes for at least 30 more years!!

DJ said...

Thank you everyone for your best wishes for us and the cards and mom, thank you for the check, Kirk and I went to Red Lobster and had the best dinner. We love you all and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.