Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alanna starts 8th grade and other news

As I was taking this picture of Alanna, I was noticing the initials on the tree, I said "that is interesting, those are the same initials of your name and Jennifer's name, wierd huh?" She said, yeah, we carved them! I said "What"?! (Look in the middle to the far left and you will see A. J. + J. W.) She said they did that shortly after we moved here in 2002. We've lived here for seven years and I had no idea, actually, the trees were just trimmed and I can really see them now.

Alanna's just started her third week of school and has alot of homework and projects already. She is trying out for choir this year. She has her best friend Hannah in two of her classes and lunch so she is happy. She is still in the same Elementary School, it is a K-8, next year she will go across the street to Westview High School, if we still live in this same house and neighborhood, depends on the housing market.

Kris left for Seattle this morning to pick up Kaleb and Kylee who are flying in from Alaska around noon...all by themselves!! It will be good to see them this weekend, we have missed them. They are about two weeks late starting school.

Devon just had tubes put in his ears this morning, the procedure went quickly and without a hitch, he's groggy from the anesthesia and grouchy, they're on there way home now. Hopefully this will be the end of his ear infections. He's had about 10 in the last 15 months, with two of those episodes turning into ruptured ear drums.

I start school this Saturday with my Humanities Class, Art-Renaissance through Modern, an on-line Children's Lit class, and a Tues. and Thurs. night Biology and Lab class. I will try to be consistent with posting on the Blog, hopefully I won't be bogged down with too much homework, last semester was horrible. That's all the news for now.


Ashley said...

Alanna looks so stinken cute in that picture. She looks all skinny and like she should be an advirtisement for Jc Penny or something. AWWWWWWWWWWW my baby sister!!

Michelle Lee said...

Alanna does look really cute in that photo. She is growing up into a beautiful teenager. Thanks for the update on what everyone is doing. Hope your school work isn't too overwhelming. I know it will pay off in the end. You will make a great teacher.