Wednesday, October 3, 2007

April and Damon move out

Not that I'm happy or anything, but they finally found a place of their own. Okay, I'm happy, but more for them. It's awfully hard to live with your parents for a year right after being married. It's stressful, especially on the newlyweds. April will have to post pictures of their new place. It even has room for their dog and the horses! It has 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, and two living rooms. The kitchen has new appliances and has lots of room. It also has a washer and dryer. It's about 15 minutes west of us. I watch Devon, so she drops him off before she goes to work. Alanna is now in the "planning and gettin ready to move in the room" mode. She has plans to paint the walls; two sky blue and two maybe a soft lime green or sherbet orange. She loves polka dots and stripes. She wants to do one wall with circles. She has plans for her dad to build her a window seat too. And she would like some new white bookcase shelves. Maybe a trip to Ikea is in order.


Michelle Lee said...

That's great that April and Damon found such a nice place to live. Alanna will have fun re-decorating the room. Does Aubrey have a blog page yet? What is she up to? Any baby plans for her and her hubby? Where is she living now? I know what the rest of your family is up to but not much about Aubrey except that she has a new kitten named Twix.

pkabow said...

OK, now imagine how I felt when you not only moved out but ended up about 3000 miles away across the Atlantic. Since then, I have been lucky to see you once a year! And I still love and miss you. But I am happy for April and she will grow from this new experience.